Climate Data Catalogue

Global Datasets

Home Global Datasets

Listed Global datasets were assessed using the WMO Stewardship Maturity Matrix for Climate Data (SMM-CD).
Individual assessment can be requested from the point of contact under each of the datasets.

Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) Database (Monthly)

Assessment: WMO_SMM-CD_GRDC_v04r01_20210520.pdf

Data access: BfG - The GRDC - Global Runoff Database (

Data point of contact:  Simon Mischel;; Head of GRDC

Assessment point of contact:  Simon Mischel;; Head of GRDC

World Ocean Database version 13 (version 18 in pre-release)

Assessment: WMO-SMM-CD_WOD13_v01r01_20190329

Data access: World Ocean Database | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (

Data point of contact: Tim Boyer,, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

Assessment point of contact:  Tim Boyer,, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

A global ensemble of ocean wave climate projections from CMIP5-driven models

Assessment: WMO_SMM-CD_CMIP5-based ocean wave projections_Mar-17-2021

Data Access: A global ensemble of ocean wave climate projections from CMIP5-driven models | Scientific Data (
Data point of contact:  Joao Morim;; CSIRO

Assessment point of contact:  Joao Morim;; CSIRO

International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) Release 3, Individual Observations

Assessment: WMO-SMM-CD_ICOADS_v01r01_20190327

Data access: ICOADS (

Data point of contact: Eric Freeman;; ERT, Inc-NOAA/NCEI

Assessment point of contact:  Eric Freeman;; ERT, Inc-NOAA/NCEI

HadEX2: Gridded Temperature and Precipitation Climate extremes Indices (CLIMDEX Data)

Assessment: WMO_SMM-CD_Template_v02r00_20180912_Climate_Indices_v2

Data access: Climdex

Data point of contact: Robert Dunn,, UK Met Office; Markus Donat,, Barcelona Supercomputing Center; Lisa Alexander, University of New South Wales,

Assessment point of contact: Peter Siegmund;; KNMI

Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS)

Assessment: WMO-SMM-CD_GLIMS_v03r00_20190319

Data access: GLIMS: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space

Data point of contact: Bruce Raup;; National Snow and Ice Data Center

Assessment point of contact:  Bruce Raup;; National Snow and Ice Data Center

Antarctica Mass Variability Time Series Version 1 from JPL GRACE Mascon CRI Filtered

Assessment: WMO-SMM-CD_Antarctica-GRACE_v01r01_20190310

Data access: Cloud Datasets | PO.DAAC (

Dataset point of contact: User services;; PODAAC

Assessment point of contact: Amy Steiker;; NSIDC

GLAS/ICESat 500 m Laser Altimetry Digital Elevation Model of Antarctica, Version 1 (NSIDC-0304)

Assessment: GLAS-DEM/WMO-SMM-CD_GLAS-DEM-500m_v01r01_20190318

Data access: Cloud Datasets | PO.DAAC (

Dataset point of contact: User services;; PODAAC

Assessment point of contact: Amy Steiker;; NSIDC

Greenland Mass Variability Time Series Version 1 from JPL GRACE Mascon CRI Filtered

Assessment: WMO-SMM-CD_Greenland-GRACE_v02r00-20190131

Data access: Cloud Datasets | PO.DAAC (

Dataset point of contact: User services;; PODAAC

Assessment point of contact: Amy Steiker;; NSIDC


Sea Ice Index, version 3

Assessment: Sea-Ice-Index-v3_WMO_SMM-CD_v01r01-20190429

Data access: Sea Ice Index, Version 3 | National Snow and Ice Data Center (

Dataset point of contact:  Florence Fetterer;; NSIDC

Assessment point of contact: Florence Fetterer;; NSIDC

The Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS)

Assessment: WMO-SMM-CD_GLOSS-v01r01_20190417

Data access: GLOSS | The Global Sea Level Observing System (

Data point of contact: There are five global data assembly centers under the GLOSS observing system, each assembling and distributing specific data (different in terms of nature, latency, integrity and quality control) from national agencies operating a variable number of stations. The POCs for each data assembly center are: - PSMSL ( L. Rickards; National Oceanography Center (United Kingdom) - UHSLC ( P. Thompson; University of Hawai’i (USA) - BODC ( L. Rickards; National Oceanography Center (United Kingdom) - VLIZ ( T. Hernandez; Flanders Marine Institute (Belgium) - SONEL ( G. Wöppelmann; University of La Rochelle (France)

Data Assessment point of contact: Anny Cazenave;; Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS)

The Sea Level ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI SEA LEVEL, ALTIMETRY)

Assessment: WMO-SMM-CD_CCI_Sea_Level-v01r01_20190430

Data access: Sea Level (

Data point of contact: 

Assessment point of contact: Anny Cazenave,, LEGOS; Jean-François Legeais,, CLS

Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) Daily Precipitation

Assessment: WMO_SMM-CD_CoCoRaHS_v01r01_20181007

Data access: CoCoRaHS - Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network

Data point of contact: Julian Turner,, Database Manager

Assessment point of contact: Henry Reges,, International Relations Co-director

Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) Full Data Monthly Product Version 2022

Assessment: WMO_SMM-CD_Template_v04r01_20221130_GPCC

Data access:  DOI: 10.5676/DWD_GPCC/FD_M_V2018_025

Dataset point of contact:  Andreas Becker;; Deutscher Wetterdienst, Postfach 10 04 65, 63004 Offenbach/Main, Germany

Assessment point of contact: Markus Ziese;; Deutscher Wetterdienst, Postfach 10 04 65, 63004 Offenbach/Main, Germany

GISTemp v4 GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

Assessment: WMO-SMM-CD_GISTEMP_v02r02_20200121
Data access: Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4) (
Dataset point of contact:  Reto Ruedy ; NASA & SciSpace LLC
Assessment point of contact:  Robert Dunn, , Met Office Hadley Centre

HadCRUT. blended land air temperature and sea-surface temperature anomaly data set

Assessment: WMO_SMM-CD_HadCRUT.
Data access: Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
Dataset point of contact: Colin Morice,, Met Office Hadley Centre
Assessment point of contact:  Ali Eddenjal;; WMO ET-DRC

NOAAGlobalTemp v5

Assessment: WMO_SMM-CD_v5NOAAGlobalTemp_v01r00_20210526
Data access: NOAAGlobalTemp | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Dataset point of contact: Boyin Huang,, NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Informatio
Assessment point of contact: Ge Peng;; The University of Alabama in Huntsville/NASA MSFC IMPACT


Assessment: WMO_SMM-CD_ERA5_v01r01_20191211

Data access: ERA5: data documentation - Copernicus Knowledge Base - ECMWF Confluence Wiki

Dataset point of contact:  Hans Hersbach;; ECMWF

Assessment point of contact:  Robert Dunn, , Met Office Hadley Centre